Tuesday, February 17, 2009

LARP art

This is my Werewolf Live Action Role-Play (LARP) character, Snow "Dances in the Streets" Takayama. He's a Metis, which is the breed of werewolf you get when two werewolves mate, meaning he's sterile and has a genetic deformity. In Snow's case, he's albino. He also has a tail, but he can shift into human form without it when he concentrates, and he tends to be sexually ambiguous (mostly because I'm a girl, so when I'm playing him people forget the gender of the character and call Snow "she" a lot)-- thus the little Fu Manchu beard. I've drawn him in Glabro form, which is the near-human form, but he gets tufty ears in this form and a bit more wolfy looking, not to mention a little taller and more muscular (he's kind of a shrimp in human form).

I had a little too much fun with my bubble brushes for the background. <_<

Pencil, Photoshop Elements, Wacom tablet.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

New Plug-in: DreamySuite

Got another new plug-in for Elements called DreamySuite. It gives your image a glowy, soft, dreamy look to it. I used my ZOTC fanart (as seen in previous post) as the guinea pig pics to try it out. Here are the results:

Kinda neat. I'll have to play with various tint effects and such later.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Fan Art, La La La...

I have recently rediscovered my love for the anime series "The Slayers", and have watched the entire first season with my boyfriend again. We'll be getting the rest of the series soon, as he enjoyed the first season. Anyway, this sent me on a major trip down memory lane, and I hunted up one of my favorite Slayers fan fics, Zelgadis on the Couch by the lovely Queen of Swords. I looked back on the old fan art I'd drawn for her wonderful fic, and decided to do some new stuff to show how much I've progressed. Oddly enough, as soon as I started drawing Slayers and trying to color the resulting doodles, I reverted to my high school self and got all sloppy. XD Oh well. Here are the first two results of my fan arting (f'arting, as I like to call it). I have a couple more in the non-photo blue pencil stages that I'll finish up eventually.

First one is of her original kitsune characters, Sylph and Jaz/Jessica. The second is from a scene where Xellos (obviously) kisses Lina, and Lina is none too pleased.

So, there we have it. It's sad how little I've progressed when it comes to Slayers-style art, really. It's like I just picked up right where I left off ten years ago. XD
